Year-Round Sheep Covers


Help your sheep produce cleaner, high quality, more expensive wool.


Thank you for looking at our Year Round Covers!

At this time SHEEPMAN SUPPLY is transitioning their Year Round Covers from Matilda’s to Finero’s.  We think you will appreciate the difference.  As we sell out of our stock of Matilda Brand Sheep Covers, we will be selling the Finero’s.  (We are now into size B/Small (29.5″),  C/Medium (33″), D/Large (36″), E/X-Large  (40.5″), and F/XX-Large (45″)  of the Finero covers).  Our largest size, G (48″) is still of the Matilda brand.

The Finero’s are the same sizes (measured in length from the base of neck to the dock).   Covers are designed to be worn between shearings. Elasticized edges allow them to expand as wool grows. Blankets will need to be changed to larger sizes as fleeces grow to prevent felting. (Usually an increase of 2 to 3 sizes in a growing year is required.)  Pure Rip-Stop Nylon covers do not degrade in sunlight and UV rays and allow wool to “breathe”. They do not interfere with lambing or nursing.

Due to the change of manufacturer, we feel that the quality is improved.

Also, at this time we have decided not to have Size “A”‘s produced, if in the future we have a demand for the smallest cover, we will reconsider.

Thank you again for your past and hopefully present purchases of our Year Round Covers!